Saturday, May 13, 2023

Closing Day Sunday Pali and Beavers

Tomorrow Sunday, May 14, will be the final day for the Beavers and Pallavicini Lifts. While we have had some very good snowfall and the temperatures have cooled down, it really hasn't been cold. We have not seen a significant freeze in over a week. Looking forward there are not really any cold nights in the forecast. The areas serviced by these lifts are not going to really freeze solid in the next 7-10 days. We do not anticipate a re-opening of these lifts this season.

Each spring, usually in May, we go through this transition closing those lifts and concentrating our efforts on Black Mountain Express, Lenawee Express and Zuma Lifts. These areas are not quite as steep. They are more heavily skied and packed. More of these areas are groomed. The more compacted the snow is, the better it is for late season skiing. BMX, LenX and Zuma have much better late spring and summer conditions. We will continue with excellent, late season snow into June.

It is always a little sad to say good bye to Pali and the Beavers, but the time has come.