Sunday, April 25, 2010

North Pole and Willie's Wide

The forecast came through with 21" in three days. Saturday was epic. Dumping with a whiteout in the morning and bluebird skies in the afternoon. We had surreal alpenglow on the East Wall and Black Mountain for our snowshoe dinner. The recent snow really set things up nicely for a good hiking program in North Pole and Willie's Wide. The ski patrol is all over this terrain. Although I am not promising anything just yet, look for some great hiking and wandering opportunities this week. Standing atop Little Lenawee (on the North Pole hike) or near Arizona Rock (big rock in the middle of Willie's Wide) are some of the coolest experiences at The Basin. If you haven't done so, put that on the list this week. If you have, you know it is time to get on up there.