Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Old 105 Tower

We pulled the "Old 105 Tower" today. It was lifted with a civilian version of the Blackhawk helicopter. This tower was part of the CDOT / A-Basin partnership for doing avalanche work on The Professor and The Widowmaker. For the late 80's, 90's and early 2000's, this was a workhorse of the program. Back then there was a 105 mm Howitzer and a few other weapons stationed there. Patrollers and Mechanics from that era spent many a very dark and cold morning driving the CDOT crew up to the tower in an old Tucker Snowcat and supporting them while they fired the weapon.

As standards have changed over the years, the tower was no longer suited for stationing heavy duty military hardware. For those of you that are sentimental, don't fret. We are re-using the tower this summer in a modification of our East Wall Avalauncher Tower.