Sunday, June 12, 2016

I Think She Sang

We enjoyed a beautiful closing day with fun summer skiing, High Five playing on the BML deck and lots of delicious BBQ.

I saw some things today I have never seen before. There was the snowboarder playing his saxophone while riding. There was the skiing fiddle player that skimmed across Lake Reveal while playing his fiddle. Not to be outdone, another skier cruised across the water while playing bagpipes. He didn't quite make it (and got a little wet). Once the bagpiper crawled to shore, he joined the fiddler for a duet on the North Shore. With just the right amount of inappropriateness, everyone had a great time.

I think our timing was good. We made it through today, but the snow is melting fast. Another weekend is completely out of the question. There just won't be much snow left by Saturday. Thanks to the entire A-Basin community for a great finish to the season, and even more important, thanks for another spectacular season.