Friday, December 13, 2013
I have received a lot of feedback since the new bar opened. Almost all of it is really good. A few people miss the old place and a few people have had comments about the decor. Thanks to everyone that has shared their feelings. To the best of my knowledge the "new" bar is the 4th bar in the A-Frame and at least the 7th bar is the base area's history. In the early 90's we moved the bar from upstairs in the A-Frame downstairs to the South end of the A-Frame. Many a fun time had been had upstairs and many people were disillusioned when we moved the bar downstairs. We received a fair bit of stinging criticism. I realize that changing a place where so many people have had fun can be tough. That is certainly fair enough. I think most of you will really like what we can do in the new place. It is certainly OK to miss the old place. For me, hearing the feelings about missing the old place is kind of like "Groundhog Day" (the movie) rekindling my memories of the early 90's change. I do hope all of you like what we are trying to do. Thanks to everyone for commenting.