Friday, July 26, 2024

Cool Riding

Found between the top of Jamie's Face and Lake Reveal, I call this very, very cool riding.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

New Places On Wheels Up

Our summer trails give us a physical perspective that is very different from what we see in winter. Whether we are hiking or biking, it often feels like we are in a very different place in summer versus winter. No where is that more notable than riding the forested areas of the Wheels Up trail. In particular, where the trail is west of the Pallavicini Lift, the trail switchbacks through The Glen and it feels completely different than skiing in winter. And you won't find the name The Glen on any trail map.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Trail Construction Update

Trevor and the Trail Crew continue to work on extending Up At Arapahoe to the Summit. The trail is now complete all the way to Lake Reveal. For the moment they are skipping the zone just above and below the Steilhang Hut. The road is a bit more mellow there. They are carving the trail into Norway Face. This stretch might have people most excited because it will eliminate that nasty, steep final pitch of the summer road. Nobody likes that stretch of road and the new stuff is going to be SWEET.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Black Mountain Lodge Yoga

Tuesdays and Thursdays we host Mountaintop Yoga on the deck of Black Mountain Lodge. You get the bonus of enjoying a chairlift ride on Black Mountain Experess. I am not sure there is a better place to enjoy your Cobra pose. Some people hike down the Argentine North Fork Trail when they are finished. For details and to make a reservation, go to Mountaintop Yoga

Friday, July 19, 2024

Trail System Details

When we designed our trail system, we made a key decision. We could have made every trail for everyone. Instead, we decided to make trails that were really focused on what the user was looking for. There are times when hikers and bikers can share trails and there are other times where it is nice to be separated. Instead of each trail being "OK" for every user, we want each trail to be exceptional for its intended user. That led us to three distinctive trail designations.

Two-Way Hiking and Uphill Biking Only. The Argentine North Fork and Up At Arapahoe trails form the main route to the Summit. Uphill bikers generally move kind of slower and on these trails hikers and bikers mesh well.

Downhill Biking Only. The Beavers Loop and Wheels Up Trails are for downhill biking only. On a good downhill trail, neither bikers or hikers want to encounter the other. These trails are designed for good fun downhill riding.

Hiking Only. The Halfmoon Trail is for hiking only. Portions of the trail are not suited for bikes and this is a good place for hikers to not have to worry about encountering bike riders.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Burger Night and Sunday Brunch

This summer the 6th Alley Bar and Grill will be hosting two regular weekly events. Thursday nights are Burger Night and the restaurant will stay open until 8 PM. They will open at 10 AM  Sunday mornings for Sunday Brunch. Have some fun and enjoy the good food. For details, go to 6th Alley Bar and Grill.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Pass Renewal Extension

OK, sorry if I was mis-leading, but we did extend the pass renewal period for one more week. With all the weirdness and confusion of the past year, we thought we would give people one more week to renew their season pass for the 2024-25 ski season. But, this is it. The last day to renew your winter season pass at the discounted rate is Friday, July 19.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

I Love The Beavers Loop

I love the Beavers Loop Trail. This past Wednesday, I had a chance to ride the bottom to top to bottom loop. We are lucky to have this high quality of a purpose built mountain bike trail in such a high alpine setting. I was having so much fun riding, but I felt guilty that I needed to be stopping more to take in all the views.