Sunday, September 15, 2024

Boot Camp

People are starting to think about winter. Saturday we hosted our first "Boot Camp." About 50 skiers and riders came up to The Basin and took part in some serious (and of course fun) ski training. We will see some snow on the Lower Mountain very soon. Almost all of the fan guns are out on High Noon now. In another couple weeks, the snowmakers will start focusing on the temperatures, looking for that first night when wet bulb temps drop below 28 F.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Aspens Starting To Change

Some of the aspens are starting to show their Fall colors

Thursday, September 5, 2024

First Snow

No explanation needed.

Fan Guns

The snowmakers are placing fan guns on High Noon. Some of the hydrants have been deployed. We are filling the reservoir. We will be testing pipes, pumps and plugs. The crew is gearing up for a busy few months.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Nice Stroll

Yesterday afternoon I went for a nice stroll around the base area and a little ways up the Argentine North Fork Trail. The Lift Maintenance crew is busy gearing up for their October annual inspections. The snowmakers are finishing their summer work. I savor these September days with the tall grasses and blooming fireweed. I am wearing a puffy, hat and gloves to walk the dog in the morning. The glorious summer days are winding down.  ..............And you know what that means.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Those Cool Rock Sections

Have you ever wondered how the Trail Crew builds those very nice sections of rock on the trails. The first step is to have the mini excavator operator over excavates a trail through the talus, setting the grade of the trail  (Photo 1). Once that is complete, the operator uses the machine to place large flat rocks in the over excavated section (Photo 2). Lastly, by hand, the Trail Crew staff adds a few more larger rocks and then fills the gaps with mineral soil and smaller rocks creating the final surface (Photo 3).
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Another 1,000 Feet Of Trail

The Trail Crew has opened up another 1,000 feet of the "Up At Arapahoe" Trail. Leaving Steilhang Hut, riders and hikers can now skip another chunk of the summer road. Hard to believe, but it is another sweet section of trail that traverses across Lower Powerline and Lower Norway. From where this new section intersects the summer road, the trail work under construction on Norway Face is clearly visible. Man oh man, do I look forward to the Norway Face section being complete.