Sunday, December 11, 2016

An Amazing 18 Inches

That was an amazing 18 inches. Yesterday's skiing was super fun. Last night Chef Rybak hosted another outstanding dinner at Black Mountain Lodge. In the midst of that heavy, heavy snowfall, we pulled off a Randonee Latin American feast. There was no chairlift involved. Diners skinned, snowshoed and hiked to the restaurant, enjoyed a delightful meal and skied or walked through the deep stuff to get down.

Today was awesome. The big snow delayed Lenawee's opening by about 40 minutes, but upon opening, the rewards were many. This storm has set The Basin up in an ideal fashion. We have a tremendous amount of work to do, particularly on the avalanche mitigation front. Our primary energy will be directed towards getting Pali Lift open. It looks like we have a minor lull in the action Monday, but the snow may kick in again Tuesday. Expect some Slalom Slope skiing (hiking from Cornice Run) in the coming days.

..............After that, Montezuma Bowl will come into play.

I was a little busy today and didn't have time to take any pictures myself, but enjoy these three below. The top two are from our photographer, Dave Camara. The third photo was emailed to me from Jon Rayeski.

We are in a very, very, very good place.