Monday, November 17, 2014

A Skin and Some Updates

Last night Kay and I had our first skin of the season. We arrived at the Summit just before dark. Highlighted by the new snow, low clouds were moving in and the white peaks were brilliant.  The tour was cold, tiring and absolutely incredible.

We have made major headway with this storm. There has been some limited public skiing in Lenawee Parks and Norway. Most of the trails are much wider. The teaching arena on Molly Hogan is open. Snowmaking on Sundance, coupled with the natural snow, has been great. That trail's opening is right around the corner offering green skiing from Black Mountain Express. The snowcats have track packed Wrangler and a few other areas. If I could sketch the perfect conditions for November 17, it would be what we have right now. With unsettled weather on the horizon, I am happy.