Zuma Webcam - With enough money, time, and resources, webcams can be placed anywhere. Realistically for us, we can put a webcam where we have power and communication lines. For Montezuma Bowl, that means the top terminal of Zuma Chairlift. We just ordered another camera. I have no idea about a timeline for implementation yet. The area is a "wee bit" exposed to the elements so we may have a few challenges getting and keeping it running. No promises and no timelines, but we are going to get a webcam up there.
Lastly, early morning race training is done. Uphill Access is allowed throughout the day as long as there are no other special concerns (for example: avalanche control work closures). Each morning the ski patrol updates the "Runs Open" section of our website. At the very bottom of that page is a section indicating whether Uphill Access is open or not for the day. I suggest checking it before you head up here, particularly if it is snowing.