We are making some big headway with Lenawee. As I mentioned earlier, the 8 new tower foundation holes have been dug. As I said earlier, we are able to use 7 of the existing Lenawee foundations. The foundation forms have been flown into those 8 holes. The forms are the plywood pillars that can be seen in the top photo. Once in place, each of those forms takes final adjustment which has been completed. Keeping helicopters on schedule is no small task, but, tentatively, we are flying concrete to the 8 new foundations on Tuesday. Soon after the concrete sets up, the forms will be stripped. We then have the spider hoe return and backfill those foundations.
Then I have a big sigh of relief. While there is still a lot of lift building to go, getting the foundations completed and backfilled is a major milestone for me. Then the fun stuff begins, flying towers, installing the terminals, setting the haul rope, placing the carriers, etc. Foundations are just plain hard work.